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         I am Hashem Abdel-Hadi, I have a passion for the science behind Architecture and human expression.  As a graduate in Modern Architecture, Business Management, and Visual Arts, I am ambitious about collaborating my various skills in order to design a better future.  The art of building has intrigued me since
I was six years old, and I am now particularly interested in contemporary design in which empowers the environment as much as the human experience. 
I am a well rounded and culture-oriented individual, with an acclimation to an urban environment.  I am excited to continue my Architecture career, and I look forward to my next job opportunity. 
Please click on the right to view my resume and work sample.
I would like to thank you for visiting my digital portfolio.  
Hashem Abdel-Hadi

Master of Architecture

San Francisco, CA

HashArch /​ T 503.473.6136 / / San Francisco, CA

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